Flavors Chemistry, an Introduction
A bit of history. The first step to become a flavors expert
A bit of history. The first step to become a flavors expert
Becoming a flavorist is a long way to transit, and it's full of challenges and adventures. I build this site to help chemist in their path to become flavorist, and for flavors enthusiast who also want to learn about the subject. This site will not make its readers flavorist experts, but it will help to know more about flavors, foods and beverages.
My goal is to write one or two articles about flavors per month that could interest flavorist in training. I welcome other chemists or flavorist who would like to write on this blog and help grow it to something bigger and valuable for others. You are also welcome to collaborate by suggesting any theme related to flavors, food and beverages or any other subject that could require input from flavor experts.
If you are a chemist, food scientist or flavorist, and want to collaborate, please do no hesitate and contact me. New ideas are always welcomed.
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